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Clémence Cardon-Quint, Johannes Westberg
Histoire de l'éducation, n°157/2022
Les réformes du financement de l'éducation. France/Suède
Educational Finance Reform. France/Sweden
The financing of education brings into play a wide range of issues - economic, but also political, social and cultural - that are addressed by many disciplines. In the field of educational history, however, it has only intermittently attracted the attention of researchers.

Yves Dutercq, Hélène Buisson-Fenet
Recherche et formation, n°78/2015
Les cadres de l'éducation
Managing schools in Europe
The actors in the school experience the tensions related to working conditions, the ambiguities of an institution's limited autonomy, and the overwhelming increase in administrative tasks.How can we analyze the collective work, and the shared responsibility of school's managerial staff in France and in Europe?